753. ‘A Different Beat’, by Boyzone

Fresh from their first British number one, Boyzone set their sights on ‘global’ domination…

A Different Beat, by Boyzone (their 2nd of six #1s)

1 week, from 8th – 15th December 1996

By going down a new-age, world music path, that is. There have been few more distinctive intros to number one singles than this one, with its thunderclaps and African chants. This could be a very interesting song, we think, and hope… and are then left disappointed when it slides into much more predictable, pre-Christmas saccharine

The lyrics are very much of the season: Let’s not neglect our race… Life on earth be one… We are all grains of sand, apparently. At least it’s not Ronan Keating on lead vocals this time, as Stephen Gately’s clear and gentle tones guide us through the verses. Groanin’ Ronan, as we must now and forever refer to him, does get to let rip on the middle eight. He’s seen the rain fall in Africa, and touched the snow in Alaska… And let’s not get into how he pronounces ‘Niagara’, just so the line scans.

It’s easy to be cynical about songs like this, especially coming from bands as lightweight as Boyzone. I salute the message, even if the video – in which the lads descend from the heavens to dance with African children – gives off an iffy, white-saviour message. I have a feeling they were taking their cue from ‘Earth Song’, last year’s messianic Christmas Number One; but neither the song, nor the video, can compete with Michael Jackson’s irrepressible bombast.

This was the only one of Boyzone’s six chart-toppers that the band had a hand in writing, and one of only two that weren’t cover versions. It was also produced, in part, by Trevor Horn of Buggles fame. So, there are much blander offerings to come from Boyzone. There is a decent song buried in here – the title-line hook is good – but it’s smothered in far too much boyband dressing. And it doesn’t build to the big finish that a song like this needs to succeed; it just fizzles out to a simple drumbeat.

I’d assume they were aiming for the festive top spot with this release. But that was never going to happen, what with a record with an even more important message coming up next, and the third single from a certain female five-piece hovering on the horizon.

5 thoughts on “753. ‘A Different Beat’, by Boyzone

  1. Not heard this in decades, but it was the first Boyzone single I rated, really, helped no end by the sadly late Stephen Gately’s pure vocal on lead. I like World Music so I’m sure that helps! It’s like hearing a new record it’s been so long, and my now-reaction is it’s very nice, melodic, well-produced and not at all annoying or dreary, so that makes a nice change for Boyzone….. 🙂

    • Yes it’s not bad… Not sure I’d be as upbeat as you but there’s worse to come from Boyzone. Though of their four remaining number ones, I have no idea what two of them sound like. I’m assuming dreary and forgettable, but we live in hope!

  2. Oh boy, this is just…I dunno, for me, this is pretty laughably bad. What the hell is that lead vocal? Sounds like someone kicked him in the balls right before they recorded the song. And that music video is terrible – it’s like early 80s cheap music video that MTV would play coz they had nothing else bad.

    I feel second hand embarrassment from listening to this. I didn’t like their first No. 1 but honestly I’d rather listen to this. 

    • Well that’s two very different takes in the comments! I’d go somewhere in between… I think you’re being a bit harsh, and I’d take Stephen Gately, the lead vocal here, over Ronan Keating, their usual, over-singing lead, any day! The video is spectacularly naff, though. I will give you that!

  3. When I saw their name…I knew it wasn’t where I’m at…the vocals are good though to me…I have no problem with those.

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